More people are working and learning remotely than ever before. Even if it’s only on a part-time basis, if you’re working or attending school online, you might need a new laptop for yourself or for someone else in your family. Unfortunately, economic uncertainty has made it difficult for a lot of people to afford everyday items; never mind a new laptop, which can cost exorbitant amounts of money.
If the above sounds like you’re situation, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to afford a new laptop. Fortunately – and believe it or not – there are several ways that you can actually score yourself a free laptop; particularly for low-income individuals and families. There are a lot of non-profit organizations that have realized just how important technology is for the general public, and they understand the value of offering free or low-cost devices to those who need them, as these devices can help to further education and employment opportunities. Additionally, these organizations often provide free tech-based education so that those who receive the free or low-cost laptops can gain proficiency in technology use.
If your interests are piqued and you would like to learn more about acquiring a free or low-cost laptop, keep on reading. Below, you’ll find a list of handy tips that can help you secure a free laptop for yourself or a loved one in South Africa.
Check Your Local Library
One of the best places to start your search for a free or low-cost laptop is at your local library. Obviously, libraries are excellent sources of information, including where to secure free or virtually free laptops. Some local libraries in South Africa partner with technology companies or businesses to provide free-of-charge laptops to individuals who are in need. It’s important to note, however, that if you’re going to go this route, there may be some requirements that you might have to fulfil; though, requirements do vary from location to location.
The free laptop programs that local libraries offer vary and depend on each specific library. Before you head out to your library, it’s a good idea to give them a call ahead of time to find out if they do, in fact, offer incentives for free or low-cost laptops.
Attend an Online College or University
Whether you’re college-age and you’re just about to attend post-secondary school for the first time or you graduated high school and college a long time ago but you’d like to further expand your education so you can secure more job opportunities or start an entirely new career, enrolling in an online college or university may be a way that you can secure a free or low-cost laptop.
Believe it or not, there are some online colleges that offer enrolled students free laptops. For more information, exercise due diligence; take the time to do your research. Look for schools that offer free laptops, but that offer programs and classes that you’re interested in; obviously, you don’t want to enrol in school just so you can acquire a free laptop.
Attend an Online Public School
A lot of online public schools offer their students free Chromebooks, laptops, and tablets. This is especially true since so many schools are now offering full- or part-time programs online. Some districts offer tables and computers to students who are in need, though they must be actively enrolled in the school in order to take advantage of this offer. There are a lot of different options available to enrol in an online public school, and it’s best to conduct your search according to the state and location where you live so that you can see what options are available to you. You can contact districts to make inquiries regarding the requirements.
Final Thoughts
If you are interested in a free or low-cost laptop for yourself or your family, the information provided above are all great ways to start your search. It’s also worth noting that some organizations may put out notices if they ever offer free laptops, and it’s definitely a great idea to take advantage of these types of initiatives. For more information or to browse through a large selection of high-quality, yet affordably priced laptops, head to PC International.